Xmas Eve radio sucks.
Generally speaking, I go home for Christmas. That's the one day of the year you can count on me being home. In 20 years of driving a truck, I had only missed one Christmas at home, and that was due to getting stuck in bad weather. This year, however, I decided to stay out on the road and collect that nice bonus that my company offers for those drivers who are willing to shred their last ties to humanity and go full blown vagabond for the holidays. My hand was up, count me in. And that is how I came to the realization that there literally nothing on the 200+ channels on SiriusXM radio on Xmas Eve, so if you'll humor me I wanted to take a minute to complain about the one refuge I found in this entertainment desert.
Written by Steve Parry
on Monday, 26 December 2016.
Hits 2355
Did MSNBC Just Say That?
You can color me shocked. For anyone who watches MSNBC and has followed the debate on the Alabama Illegal Immigration law, you know what the stance of that network has been. The law is racist, and it unfairly targets Hispanics. It makes their mere existence a crime. On and on they go with their silly stories about how families could be arrested just for going out for an ice cream cone... wait a second, that one wasn't a silly left wing moonbat on MSNBC, that was our President. But I digress. If you have followed the story on a different network (one like FOX News, for example) then you likely were presented with a different view on the issue.
on Monday, 20 February 2012.
Hits 2847
Making sense of Obama
Recently, Paul Krugman was on CNN describing how an alien attack would help our economic recovery. If you have not already seen it, no, this is not a joke. He said it and repeated it, so it was not a slip up either. In the video below, I have a little fun at his expense pointing out how silly of a notion it is, and discussing what it means for the Obama economic efforts if some far out scenario is needed to make his plans work. What I did not address in the video is the intellectual dishonesty contained in Paul Krugman's statement. In 2003, Paul was speaking at Berkley when he said the following. (below video)
on Monday, 22 August 2011.
Hits 2933