President Obama doesn't seem very amused.
Do you ever get the feeling that President Obama has absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever? Sure, he likes making jokes at the expense of others. So of course, a pop shot at Mitt Romney tying his dog to the roof is to be expected from time to time. But a joke at the expense of Dear Leader himself? No, that's not so funny. Of course one would think that a politician who made it all the way to the White House would have some thick skin, but follow his campaigns response to this little line and it seems to be quite the opposite. Enter the joke.
on Saturday, 25 August 2012.
Hits 3595
Remember Cindy... what's her name?
Meet Joe Soptic. He's the latest in the long line of people that make the tragic mistake of thinking that the Democrats care. Trust me, they don't. So Joe is now the latest victim of the Democrats who gets suckered into exploiting the memory of a dead relative for the best interest of the party. I know, it seems like the thing to do at the time. The media attention and all of the politicians fawning over you makes it seem as if they are genuinely concerned. They will give you well wishes and follow you around... until election day, that is. They don't care about your loved one. They don't want to make it better for you. They just want the emotion of your story behind their campaign. Speaking of which, has anyone seen Cindy Sheehan?
on Sunday, 12 August 2012.
Hits 5099
Can a leopard change his spots?
Many times the answer to some of the political questions that face us is somewhere right in the middle of the left and the right. The left will often make absurd claims like "Republicans want dirty air and water" and the right will respond with "Democrats want people to get abortions." While there may be a handful of extremists who for whatever reason want dirty air or water, nobody is going to believe a statement as idiotic as that. Furthermore, most Democrats who support abortion rights have a much more moderate position on the issue like I do myself. While abortion is objectionable and should be used only as a last resort, it is a medical decision that a woman must make for herself, and her decision should not be legislated by the Government. So what of this war on women we have been hearing about? Where does the truth lie on this issue?
on Friday, 01 June 2012.
Hits 2901
Should Ron Paul have run as a Democrat?
I didn't think of this myself until just now, so I'm not faulting Ron Paul and his campaign for not coming up with this themselves. That having been said, I'm not a Paul supporter, nor am I inclined to consider strategy for his efforts. The thought just crept up on me the other day when I was considering the West Virginia, Arkansas, and Kentucky primary results. Since President Obama had a hard time defending himself against a prisoner, an out of state lawyer, and "anybody but Obama" respectively, imagine if he had faced a real opponent. Now the first inclination is to imagine candidate Hillary facing Obama. But continue down the list and eventually you get there. Ron Paul would have likely beat President Obama in West Virginia. Follow that thought to it's conclusion, and the results are stunning.
on Saturday, 26 May 2012.
Hits 4305
What does Keith Judd's showing in West Virginia say about Ron Paul?
For those who haven't been following the Primaries all that closely, it may come as a surprise to you that a convict currently serving time in Texas named Keith Judd gave President Obama a run for his money in the West Virginia Democratic Primary. Judd finished with a whopping 41% of the vote to Obama's 59%, highlighting the true devastating consequences that the President's energy policies have had on this coal mining State. Interestingly enough, Ron Paul supporters seized on this moment to tell us how these results show how he is the only Candidate who can beat President Obama in 2012. You can't make this stuff up, folks, so it here is straight from the horses mouth.
on Friday, 11 May 2012.
Hits 2665
Yes, you read that right.
We're not dealing with cakes and pies here. You did not read that wrong, and I didn't misspell it. Am I suggesting that liberals don't know what a desert is? Yes I am, and I can prove it. Some of them may even come from a State like Arizona or New Mexico where they live in a desert and don't know what it is. I was completely unaware of this situation until First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on Mike Huckabee's show on FOX News to talk about her nutrition programs. When I first heard her say it, I thought I must have misunderstood. Michelle is widely regarded as a very intelligent woman. Could she have possible said what I thought she just said? She had. And this was how I was first introduced to the "Food Desert."
on Monday, 07 May 2012.
Hits 2954
Having fun with President Obama's latest generalization of women.
For the last few years I have been questioning the true genius of our President. I must now say that I stand corrected. Upon hearing about the story from his book about a girl he had dated, and learning that it was in fact a "composite girlfriend" I figured the guy would be in big time trouble with women voters. After all, anybody who has dated one of these specimens has learned by now not to say "you women are all alike" or "it figures that a woman would say that" or "your sister is really hot." That last one doesn't really apply here, but you shouldn't say that. It will get you hurt. But back to the genius of President Obama, this guy has managed to find a way to lump every women he has ever dated into one chick, give her a generic name, and tell her story without outraging the ladies. And if that wasn't enough, he created a new fictional girl to show how his policies will help all women who are exactly alike throughout the course of there extremely similar existence. Her name is Julia. Let's have fun with her, shall we?
on Friday, 04 May 2012.
Hits 2331
Will dog lovers do in Romney?
It seems a major controversy is brewing for the Romney campaign. Apparently, back in the 1980's (that's like a whole other decade) Mitt loaded up the clan in the Family Truckster (a real car that real families take on vacation) and headed to Maine for some r&r (raspberries and rickets). Just a typical American family going on a typical vacation to a typical tourist spot. Right? Nothing to see here. Move along. Accept... At this point I should warn women, children, the elderly, anyone with a weak heart, hearing impairments, or a propensity for anal leakage to turn away... They strapped their dog to the roof of the family truckster !!! Now, for the disclaimer. He was in a kennel, it was turned around backwards to minimize the wind, and they stopped regularly to beat him. Or was it to feed him? I can't remember. But it was one of those. Here is what some idiot animal rights activist had to say about it.
on Wednesday, 18 April 2012.
Hits 2212