Or is it just you?
Many Trump supporters have been having fun with the overreaction of some on the left to Donald Trump's victory. It seems the operative term for these folks is "snowflake" and their home base of operation is a location known as a "safe space". And while some have clearly taken it a bit far, being observed in the fetal position crying, or rescheduling exams to allow time for healing, perhaps some on the right aren't taking it quite far enough by not trying to understand some of the concerns of others that might be legitimate. I think the best way to come to some common ground is to look at a single issue that might illustrate the points on both sides.
Written by Steve Parry
on Sunday, 25 December 2016.
Hits 2317
Is President Obama too soft?
Finally, someone is lashing out at President Obama for his comments on football. The Boston Globe today lit into the President, calling his recent musings "passive" and accusing him of "punting the football." In short, Mr. President, football is a man's sport. There is no room for girls in this game, and sissy little side-step answers will not be tolerated. If you want to talk about retired ballerina's getting arthritis, then you can come with lame answers like you gave to the New Republic. But if you want to talk about football, you need to man up and sound off like you have a pair. Now I'm sure some of you dames out there want to lash out at me for such a sexist viewpoint, but we are talking about football after all, and girls don't matter in football so who cares what you think? Let's get to what Obama thinks.
on Thursday, 31 January 2013.
Hits 9061
The latest battle in America's War On Women?
This is the declaration from "The New Civil Rights Movement", a website of the liberal idiot, by the liberal idiot, and for the liberal idiot. But what actually happened here? Recently, two women who are in the Air Force decided to have themselves photographed breastfeeding their babies (pictured right) and posted the image to Mom2Mom, a support group on facebook for breastfeeding mothers. The image was, and still is up on the site. The women were, and still are actively serving in the Air Force. The police did not, and are not moving in to arrest the women for indecency. So how exactly is this a "battle in America's War On Women?" From what I can gather, it is such because some people didn't like the picture and publicly said so.
on Tuesday, 05 June 2012.
Hits 2653