Will dog lovers do in Romney?
It seems a major controversy is brewing for the Romney campaign. Apparently, back in the 1980's (that's like a whole other decade) Mitt loaded up the clan in the Family Truckster (a real car that real families take on vacation) and headed to Maine for some r&r (raspberries and rickets). Just a typical American family going on a typical vacation to a typical tourist spot. Right? Nothing to see here. Move along. Accept... At this point I should warn women, children, the elderly, anyone with a weak heart, hearing impairments, or a propensity for anal leakage to turn away... They strapped their dog to the roof of the family truckster !!! Now, for the disclaimer. He was in a kennel, it was turned around backwards to minimize the wind, and they stopped regularly to beat him. Or was it to feed him? I can't remember. But it was one of those. Here is what some idiot animal rights activist had to say about it.
on Wednesday, 18 April 2012.
Hits 2164
Racism cannot be tollerated.
As much as it pains me to do this (ok, maybe it doesn't) it is that time of the election cycle once again. It seems that every four years, Ron Paul shows up at a debate and says some things that are so good on domestic issues that some Republicans forget the insanity of his foreign policy and they start getting excited about his candidacy. Perhaps you are one of those people. If not, you may know one. If you are not one and you don't know one, you can usually find one on an internet forum board typing in all caps with horrible spelling. If you recognize any of these traits in yourself, or someone you know, please read this and share it with the others. Ron Paul will never be President of the United States, and his candidacy is a complete non-starter to most Republicans because Ron Paul is a bigot. Now I know, that is strong language. And perhaps you don't want it to be true so badly that you will convince yourself it is not. That is fine too, because you will see here that I can make such a convincing case that it doesn't matter if it is true or not. He can never win.
on Thursday, 13 October 2011.
Hits 2752
Is Herman Cain serious?
Over the course of the weekend, a story broke about a camp in Texas where Rick Perry and his father have leased land and hunted. As we know, if you are a Republican running for President, anything you have ever done over the course of your life will be put under the microscope, along with whom you may have done it with and where the events occurred. If you are a Democrat who served on boards with and had campaign events hosted by a guy who blew up a building or two, that may not be an issue for you. If however, you are a Conservative that hunted on some land that some people have attached a racist name to? Yea, stand by for some problems. So while the firestorm that is coming from the left is to be expected, I was a bit surprised that Herman Cain decided to jump on board and bottom-feed on this issue. First, the controversy.
on Monday, 03 October 2011.
Hits 1997
Or a shovel, cuz it's getting deep!
It's amazing how much can change in 3 years. In 2008, it was a Senator who told us that it was the policies of a President that were responsible for the shape of the economy. Now that Senator is President, and he is telling us that it is the failure of the Senate to work with him that is shaping our economy. 3 years ago, 7.2% unemployment was the worst economy since the Great Depression. Today, 9% unemployment is a recovery. $8 trillion in debt was unsustainable then. $12 trillion isn't enough now. It has been only 3 short years since the man who is complaining about Congress not working with him told us we should not vote for the other guy because he voted with the President 80% of the time. Yes, a lot has changed in the last 3 years. But do you remember then Senator Obama's reaction to Phil Graham's take on the economy?
on Wednesday, 28 September 2011.
Hits 2327
Billionaire Warren Buffett recently wrote an op ed for the New York Times in which he complained that he just wasn't being taxed enough. He griped that he and his "mega-rich" friends had been "coddled long enough" and it was time for our Government to get serious about "shared sacrifice". President Obama seized on this opportunity to propose the "Buffett Rule", which would ensure that millionaires are taxed at a higher rate than their non millionaire counterparts. We are supposed to pay no attention to the fact that the average American pays 16% of their income in federal taxes, while the average millionaire pays 20%, which means that this is already happening without the Buffett rule. I suppose that we are also supposed to pay no attention to the fact that Warren Buffett not only has the opportunity to pay more taxes than he already is, but he also has a damn good reason to.
on Thursday, 22 September 2011.
Hits 3298