Some rights we just can't seem to handle.
Day in and day out, we here in America seem to be working hard to prove that there are some freedoms that bring with them a higher level of responsibility than we are able to handle. Despite our best efforts, we seem to be unable to control our animal instinct, and nothing proves this better than the incident last week that left a promising young NFL talent and the mother of his child dead. How many people have to die before we wake up? How much blood must be shed before people step up and demand that we do the right thing and for once and for all amend our Constitution in such a way that crimes like this will be prevented. Can we say Jovan Belcher and Kasandra Perkins will be the last to die at the hands of our antiquated laws?
on Tuesday, 04 December 2012.
Hits 14718
It might not be as crazy as you think it is.
A friend of mine posted the video at the bottom of this article to her facebook page and I found it a bit surprising that we are locking special needs kids in rooms with padded walls in our public schools. It just doesn't sound right to me, and based on most reactions I'm guessing you probably agree. However, hearing the school's side of the story I don't think it is quite as bad as it seems. You can get both legitimate sides of the story here, or you can get my take on the issue in the video below. I found some of the things the mother being interviewed said to be a bit odd, so I figured it was time for another Stevil Rant.
on Sunday, 02 December 2012.
Hits 6262
I don't think it works that way.
As we all know, female teachers don't make nearly the stink that male teachers do when they get a little too friendly with their students. Yes, it is sexist, but it is just a fact of life. This particular story gets filed under the "You're doing it wrong" category, but perhaps the reason might surprise you. I would think that it should be obvious that a 38 year old teacher having sex with her 16 year old student is doing it wrong, but her explanation for why she was having sex with the pupil shows exactly how wrong she was doing it. The story took place in Stuart Florida, and the USA Today reported the following.
on Thursday, 15 November 2012.
Hits 3602
After much waiting and anticipation...
Yes, the Axis of Stevil show comes back on the air, and we do it big time with this episode for your listening pleasure. After a brief bout with the crazy news of the week, I go into a detailed summary of what is going on at Penn State. Using the Grand Jury Report and applying simple logic, I question if Mike McQueary is telling the truth. I address the angry mobs who demanded Paterno's head, and even question what effect they are having on the case. I will detail my logic below, and you can follow along as you listen to The Axis of Stevil Show.
on Tuesday, 22 November 2011.
Hits 3037
And the hits just keep on coming.
At this point, I would like to declare that the verdict is in on Joe Paterno. Well, not so much on Joe. But it is on saying anything good about him. Score another point for the huddled masses yearning to be ignorant. Yes, I know that is a bit harsh, but even when the defense attorney for Sandusky allegedly produces the boy from the shower scene who is telling the same story that everybody except McQueary is telling, they are not deterred. It's either a hoax from the lawyer, the boy is lying, or Sandusky brainwashed him and he is covering for him. Isn't it even slightly possible that everyone but McQueary is telling the truth? "Of course not", they scoff.
on Friday, 18 November 2011.
Hits 2478
Somebody has to do it!
It's been a rough week and a half for Joe Paterno and the Penn State Football Program. All of this has been brought on by the horrific actions of one man, Jerry Sandusky. We are told that complicating the matter was a cover-up by Paterno and others at Penn State University. Sports talk radio, and many other media outlets, have been quick to toss Paterno to the wolves for his alleged inaction and his roll in the cover-up of the terrible things that happened to innocent children at the hands of their alleged attacker, Sandusky. Notice how I did that? See how this works in today's world? Since there are criminal charges against Sandusky, we say alleged. But Paterno? Not so much. But was this inaction on the part of Paterno or, worse yet, an active cover-up? Let's take a look at what we know so far before we rush to judgement.
on Friday, 18 November 2011.
Hits 3069