And I, for one, am happy about it.
As a Conservative I am supposed to be outraged by a Federal Judge's ruling that the State of North Carolina cannot issue "Choose Life" license plates without offering a similar product for the opposing viewpoint, but I am not. Don't we have enough ways of annoying people without printing our point of view on a license plate? The tag was going to carry with it a 20 some odd dollar a year fee, but can't you print the same thing on a bumper sticker and put it near your tag for as long as you want at 1/4 the price? Either way, I'm glad that one more specialty tag will not be littering the landscape as I truck across the Country. Here's a clue, people. The best way to make someone hate your cause is to advertise it on your car. That's why I made the following bumper sticker for my store.
on Tuesday, 11 December 2012.
Hits 5704
Yes, you read that right.
We're not dealing with cakes and pies here. You did not read that wrong, and I didn't misspell it. Am I suggesting that liberals don't know what a desert is? Yes I am, and I can prove it. Some of them may even come from a State like Arizona or New Mexico where they live in a desert and don't know what it is. I was completely unaware of this situation until First Lady Michelle Obama appeared on Mike Huckabee's show on FOX News to talk about her nutrition programs. When I first heard her say it, I thought I must have misunderstood. Michelle is widely regarded as a very intelligent woman. Could she have possible said what I thought she just said? She had. And this was how I was first introduced to the "Food Desert."
on Monday, 07 May 2012.
Hits 2861
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
There is no better example of how the left can hijack a language than the word gay. This word, which now carries a far different meaning than it's original usage implied, is a case study in understanding how the act of redefining a word can play out. The grammatical manipulation of this word has been executed to such a flawless degree that many homosexuals would likely be offended if they understood what they were actually saying about themselves when they take on the name. Recent ad campaigns against usage of the word in other ways show the disingenuousness of the LGBT community as well. It is for this reason that I decided to include this word in our liberal lexicon. It doesn't really fit in otherwise, as you either know the liberal meaning of the word or you live under a rock.
on Saturday, 05 May 2012.
Hits 3104
More specifically, equal opportunity.
Equal is a simple word. Chances are, you are very familiar with it. You probably use it on a regular basis. If you are a student, you may often use the word when verbalizing a math problem. If you are an expert in your field, perhaps you remind people from time to time that they are not your equal. If you are on a diet, you may even put some of it in your coffee, but that is a topic for a different discussion. If you are a liberal, you have no earthly idea as to the real meaning of the word. You think you do, but you have screwed this word up so badly that there is no possible way that you could understand it. That's why it has become the first entry into our Liberal Lexicon. Equal. Dictionary dot com describes it as follows.
on Thursday, 03 May 2012.
Hits 3012