Mitt Romney Drops A Birther Joke
President Obama doesn't seem very amused. Creation Date Saturday, 25 August 2012. Hits 3595

Do you ever get the feeling that President Obama has absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever? Sure, he likes making jokes at the expense of others. So of course, a pop shot at Mitt Romney tying his dog to the roof is to be expected from time to time. But a joke at the expense of Dear Leader himself? No, that's not so funny. Of course one would think that a politician who made it all the way to the White House would have some thick skin, but follow his campaigns response to this little line and it seems to be quite the opposite. Enter the joke.
“I love being home, in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born,” Romney said, naming the local hospitals where he and his wife were delivered. “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place where we were born and raised.”
Now here is the response from President Obama's campaign.
Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said in a statement that “Governor Romney’s decision to directly enlist himself in the birther movement should give pause to any rational voter across America.”
Seriously? Now I realize that the joke wasn't that funny. And of course, the entire premise is unfair. I mean, seriously. To suggest that simply because there was a period of time that the President refused to release his birth certificate means that he wasn't born in Hawaii, and in fact was born in a foreign Country would be the equivalent of suggesting that Romney's failure to release his tax returns means that he hasn't paid any taxes, and is in fact hiding his money offshore to avoid taxes here in America. Oh, wait. They've already done that? You mean President Obama is a "Taxer?"
It's funny how sometimes the left likes to mock the whacky conspiracy theories on the right, but they follow the same pattern when making up their own goofy attacks. Perhaps they should see the joke for what it was. Romney wasn't making a joke about where they President was born, it was actually a transparency joke. Romney's remark was mocking President Obama for talking about his tax records, of which Romney has already released 2 years, when President Obama refused to release his long form birth certificate for 2 years.
Now all of that having been said, I'm sure that it makes no difference to the Obama campaign, and they will continue to cry "foul." But perhaps the President should lighten up and learn to relax a little. I suggest he take the weekend off. Just relax in the White House living room while Michelle prepares him his favorite dish... German Shepherds Pie.