The Axis of Stevil Show. Your world, my spin.

Darnold Trump

Keeping it real... funny. Creation Date Monday, 26 December 2016. Hits 3701

Darnold Trump
Follow Darnold Trump on Instagram

Every now and again you bump into someone who had a great idea and really capitalized on it, delivering a quality performance to cap it all off. Darnold Trump over on instagram is one such individual. I have no idea who they are, but they had an idea and they played their hand well. As we all know, Donald Trump says plenty of really dumb and really controversial things. What if someone kept track of these gaffes in a funny and informative way? Well, that's what Darnold has done here, and done very well. Every picture is complete with a cartoonish graphic of Trump, with nothing more than a giant mouth on his face. Each image is "checked in" at the location where Trump made the corresponding statement.

I wanted to give a little recognition here to Darnold Trump, whomever that may be, and the work they did. They captured some of the more famous Trump gaffes, and some of the less conspicuous ones as well. From his poor spelling on twitter, to his mindless rambling when he seems to lose his train of thought, and some of his most controversial statements before and after the election are all captured and documented in a first class way. If you're on instagram, give Darnold a follow and give some of his pictures some love. If you're not, I've selected a few of my favorites for you to enjoy here. You can follow Darnold by clicking the link below.

Darnold Trump on Instagram



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About the Author

Steve Parry

Steve Parry

Steve Parry is the creator and host of The Axis of Stevil Show. His articles can be found here at the site. For more information, click the following link.

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