School Locks Kids In Padded Room
It might not be as crazy as you think it is. Creation Date Sunday, 02 December 2012. Hits 6262
A friend of mine posted the video at the bottom of this article to her facebook page and I found it a bit surprising that we are locking special needs kids in rooms with padded walls in our public schools. It just doesn't sound right to me, and based on most reactions I'm guessing you probably agree. However, hearing the school's side of the story I don't think it is quite as bad as it seems. You can get both legitimate sides of the story here, or you can get my take on the issue in the video below. I found some of the things the mother being interviewed said to be a bit odd, so I figured it was time for another Stevil Rant.
Interestingly enough, if you would like to have your own padded seclusion room at home, you can purchase supplies here on the World Wide Web. The site also offers padded furniture for your padded room, including a padded coffee table which I think is going a bit far. You don't want coffee in a room that is designed to keep a special needs kid safe and calm him down. The coffee only threatens both of these concepts. And if there isn't going to be any coffee, than a coffee table is just taunting the kid.