It sounds more like a story one would read on a truck stop bathroom wall. In fact, I may have written it on a truck stop bathroom wall once a few years ago. Sorry about that, Rosie O'donut. Anyhow, this time it is for real. Karin Mackaliunus (pictured left) really does have heroin in her vagina. Or at least she did. But the really crazy part? That isn't the crazy part of this story. I mean, it is crazy, but once you get the whole picture, the moment she decided to stick you know what you know where might have been the most normal thing she did all day. Doubt me? Read on, person who likes to doubt stuff.
When I was in Marine Corps boot camp, it was a frequent occurrence to punish the entire group for the offenses of an individual. It made sense there. We were a unit. When one part of the unit messed up, it was a problem for the whole unit. On facebook, however, this is not the case. We are a collection of individuals, as is evidenced by the fact that facebook reminds you "if you do not know this person, do not click add" every time you go to add a friend. So why the heck is facebook punishing everyone because some people do stupid stuff?
So, I guess at this point, I should properly thank Web Hosting Hub. This is a bit premature to be called an official endorsement, but the level of improvement speaks for itself there. I should also include the obligatory "they aren't paying me to say this" because I am not involved in any third party affiliate deals or anything like that. They take my money, not the other way around. But so far, they have been worth every penny. Thanks guys.
Yesterday, I made a post explaining why I quit hosting this site on GoDaddy. Today, I was blown away by some further confirmation that I had done the right thing. If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you will see a little hit counter. That links to StatCounter, who I use to see who's visiting my site. Now, it should be noted that I spent all day Tuesday switching to the new host. I have not tried any new methods of promoting my site since then. In fact, I wasn't even on it long enough to check my hits. But check out this screen-shot of my site traffic for the last 7 days. This blew me away and, in my opinion, can't really be explained by much else.
Notice, in the week prior to switching, my biggest day was 119 visitors. The day I switched (meaning the site was down half the day and only partially operational the other half) I had 149. The 2 days following the switch to the new host I had 776 and 843 (at 5pm eastern time) respectively. Is that how many people besides myself were frustrated at how long it took a page to load? My google page rank stayed the same, so that can't explain it. There was no new advertising or new social networking to account for it. And all of this caused the site to jump from around 975,000 on Alexa's rankings to 873,018 at the time of this post less than 2 days later.
So, I guess at this point, I should properly thank Web Hosting Hub. This is a bit premature to be called an official endorsement, but the level of improvement speaks for itself there. I should also include the obligatory "they aren't paying me to say this" because I am not involved in any third party affiliate deals or anything like that. They take my money, not the other way around. But so far, they have been worth every penny. Thanks guys.
For those of you who are familiar with EntreCard, you know it is a great way to promote your blog. It can, however, be a bit of a drag trying to max out your credits every day. That is why the drop list came along, making it quicker and easier to complete the task. There are problems, however, with a drop list too. First of all, if you have a slower computer or connection, it is not really an option to open ten links at once. Also, the intention of the service is to promote your blog. If everyone is clicking, dropping, and moving on, then what is really being promoted? Having faced both of these issues, I decided to make a drop list that solves them.
If you are going to promote your site, then you want people to take a minute to check out your latest article. If the focus is dropping as many cards as possible, they won't be doing that. That's why EntreCast gives you 5 different Blog Talk Radio shows to listen to while you drop cards. By adding the podcasts to the list, it encourages droppers to slow down, enjoy the show, and check out some articles while they drop. Furthermore, I have listed the sites under categories to allow droppers to find sites that are of interest to them.
The other problem wasn't easy to fix, but I was able to find a solution. As a trucker, I am dependent on wireless internet. While I usually have a high speed connection, sometimes I am in an area where a slower connection or wifi are the only option. That's why I used ShareTabs to create the drop list. Clicking on a category opens a new tab in your browser that will give you a screen-shot of the ten sites in that list. If you have a high speed connection, there is a link that will allow you to open all ten tabs at once. If you are on a slower connection or computer, you will see a row of tabs in the top of your browser window that will allow you to open the sites one at a time.
I hope that you will give this new drop list a try, and if you like it and would like your site added to it, feel free to comment me here or send me an email. Also, feel free to add our link back to the drop list by choosing the appropriate image for your EntreCard widget and placing it below the widget on your page.
I have some friends and family who supported President Trump from early on in the process. From time to time they will ask me when I will admit that I was wrong about him. "If Trump does x... If Trump gets y... If Trump supports a policy that results in z... will you admit that you were wrong?" My answer is always "no", because I wasn't wrong. To be clear, I could be wrong in practical application, but that isn't what an election is about. Elections are about theory and speculation and, generally speaking about judging records. Trump had no record to speak of, and his history of stances on issues was all over the map. I opposed his candidacy for several major reasons, all of which are proven valid in this single issue we now refer to as the "travel ban". Here were my reasons.
If you're not familiar with Justice with Judge Jeanine, it is a show on the FOX News Network starring Jeanine Pirro. She is known for her over-the-top rants where she serves up gobs of fresh red meat for her largely hard right wing audience. While it's not unusual for her to be a little fast and loose with the facts, she has been known to occasionally return from the break with a correction from her producers. Last night, however, there was no such correction to an outright lie she told on the show, and the matter being discussed should have (at the very least) contained a disclaimer from the host. I would cut her some slack, but as a former prosecutor and judge, she should be well aware of what proper protocol should have been here.
It's not cute anymore, Republicans. The President of the United States is completely detached from reality, and you can't fix that. You can't cover it up, you can't explain it away, and let me make this as clear as I possibly can for you. You cannot possibly undo the damage you are doing to the party brand by trying to pretend this man is anything other than completely unhinged. I'm watching Sean Hannity borrow guests from the Alex Jones show in an attempt to bolster Trump's conspiratorial claims. I'm seeing relatively mainstream conservatives make themselves look like the crazed fringes of the paranoid right wing. Don't believe me? Look at this.