The Axis of Stevil Show. Your world, my spin.


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  • Watered Down Travel Ban

    Watered Down Travel Ban

    I have some friends and family who supported President Trump from early on in the process. From time to time they will ask me when I will admit that I was wrong about him. "If Trump does x... If Trump gets y... If Trump supports a policy that results in z... will you admit that you were wrong?" My answer is always "no", because I wasn't wrong. To be clear, I could be wrong in practical application, but that isn't what an election is about. Elections are about theory and speculation and, generally speaking about judging records. Trump had no record to speak of, and his history of stances on issues was all over the map. I opposed his candidacy for several major reasons, all of which are proven valid in this single issue we now refer to as the "travel ban". Here were my reasons.

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  • Fraudulent Rant by Judge Jeanine

    Fraudulent Rant by Judge Jeanine

    If you're not familiar with Justice with Judge Jeanine, it is a show on the FOX News Network starring Jeanine Pirro. She is known for her over-the-top rants where she serves up gobs of fresh red meat for her largely hard right wing audience. While it's not unusual for her to be a little fast and loose with the facts, she has been known to occasionally return from the break with a correction from her producers. Last night, however, there was no such correction to an outright lie she told on the show, and the matter being discussed should have (at the very least) contained a disclaimer from the host. I would cut her some slack, but as a former prosecutor and judge, she should be well aware of what proper protocol should have been here.

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  • Wake The Hell Up, GOP!

    Wake The Hell Up, GOP!

    It's not cute anymore, Republicans. The President of the United States is completely detached from reality, and you can't fix that. You can't cover it up, you can't explain it away, and let me make this as clear as I possibly can for you. You cannot possibly undo the damage you are doing to the party brand by trying to pretend this man is anything other than completely unhinged. I'm watching Sean Hannity borrow guests from the Alex Jones show in an attempt to bolster Trump's conspiratorial claims. I'm seeing relatively mainstream conservatives make themselves look like the crazed fringes of the paranoid right wing. Don't believe me? Look at this.

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Study Shows Humans Are Getting Dumber

It looks like Steve Parry has known what he was talking about all along.

Study Shows Humans Are Getting Dumber

After the recent election, some of my friends on Facebook who supported President Obama bristled at my commentary on what we had observed. I even had one tell me that I was a "sore loser" when a discussion of Government phones saw these devices labeled as "Obama Berry" and I replied that such a device obviously wasn't a "smart phone." Now obviously, some of my comments were in jest. Others, such as the collective IQ of those who supported the President's reelection were not. Think about it. In the first election, then Senator Obama ran against a Government that failed because of the President. In round 2, President Obama ran against a Government that failed because of the Congress. You follow?

It's Over. Michelle Obama's Twinkie Tour Victory

Yea, it's personal now.

It's Over. Michelle Obama's Twinkie Tour Victory

It seems like forever ago. We are a long political election season and a re-election for President Obama removed from when I first noted that the Twinkie was under attack by the First Lady, but nearly 3 years later Michelle Obama can declare victory over the American icon. Today, Hostess Brands announced that they will shut down all operations and sell their assets. They were unable to reach an agreement with the Bakers Union which was on strike, so officially, the parasite has consumed the host. Yes, I'm being a bit facesious blaming this on the First Lady but then again, aren't these her people and didn't I call this?

Hot For Teacher

I don't think it works that way.

Hot For Teacher

As we all know, female teachers don't make nearly the stink that male teachers do when they get a little too friendly with their students. Yes, it is sexist, but it is just a fact of life. This particular story gets filed under the "You're doing it wrong" category, but perhaps the reason might surprise you. I would think that it should be obvious that a 38 year old teacher having sex with her 16 year old student is doing it wrong, but her explanation for why she was having sex with the pupil shows exactly how wrong she was doing it. The story took place in Stuart Florida, and the USA Today reported the following.

It's Back! The Return Of The War on Women

Richard Mourdock fires up left with controversial rape comment.

It's Back! The Return Of The War on Women

It can't be a great political issue if it doesn't have a great name, and few modern issues have a better name than WOW (War On Women). Why, it would almost seem a little too good to be true, wouldn't it? If I didn't know any better, I would think that the whole thing had been made up in a left wing spin room, but I digress. This is no time to get off on rabbit trails about how a name was concocted. There is genuine phony outrage out there, and something needs to be done. First off, we need to know what Mourdock said.

Too Stupid To Live

Americans keep on getting dumber.

Too Stupid To Live

Now I understand that sometimes one idiot does something stupid and makes the rest of us look bad, and I wish that I could find a way to make that case here. I can't. My fellow Americans, we are stupid. And we have gotten about as much mileage out of warning labels as we possibly can. There is a certain denominator that is so low that a warning label can no longer save that, and I fear that the number representing that low water mark has recently surpassed our national IQ. Now I am sure that this could be a worldwide problem, but I am stuck in one place and can only report what I see here, and the future looks pretty dim.

Mitt Romney Drops A Birther Joke

President Obama doesn't seem very amused.

Mitt Romney Drops A Birther Joke

Do you ever get the feeling that President Obama has absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever? Sure, he likes making jokes at the expense of others. So of course, a pop shot at Mitt Romney tying his dog to the roof is to be expected from time to time. But a joke at the expense of Dear Leader himself? No, that's not so funny. Of course one would think that a politician who made it all the way to the White House would have some thick skin, but follow his campaigns response to this little line and it seems to be quite the opposite. Enter the joke.

Can Someone Just Fix This Stupid Truck?

Trying to get my Suburban back on the road.

Can Someone Just Fix This Stupid Truck?

Those of you who know me personally know that awhile back I bought a 1997 Suburban. It had a few problems, but I got a hell of a deal on it and I figured I could get them fixed and still come in under the Blue Book on it. The biggest problem seemed to be the transmission, so I took it in to get it checked out. The shop calls me back after they look at it and tells me he flushed the transmission and it seems to be doing fine now. $80 and it's fixed? Too good to be true, right? You guessed it. A week later she's back at the shop.

Hot off the press.

More From The Axis

  • Watered Down Travel Ban

    Watered Down Travel Ban

    I have some friends and family who supported President Trump from early on in the process. From time to time they will ask me when I will admit that I was wrong about him. "If Trump does x... If Trump gets y... If Trump supports a policy that results in z... will you admit that you were wrong?" My answer is always "no", because I wasn't wrong. To be clear, I could be wrong in practical application, but that isn't what an election is about. Elections are about theory and speculation and, generally speaking about judging records. Trump had no record to speak of, and his history of stances on issues was all over the map. I opposed his candidacy for several major reasons, all of which are proven valid in this single issue we now refer to as the "travel ban". Here were my reasons.

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  • Fraudulent Rant by Judge Jeanine

    Fraudulent Rant by Judge Jeanine

    If you're not familiar with Justice with Judge Jeanine, it is a show on the FOX News Network starring Jeanine Pirro. She is known for her over-the-top rants where she serves up gobs of fresh red meat for her largely hard right wing audience. While it's not unusual for her to be a little fast and loose with the facts, she has been known to occasionally return from the break with a correction from her producers. Last night, however, there was no such correction to an outright lie she told on the show, and the matter being discussed should have (at the very least) contained a disclaimer from the host. I would cut her some slack, but as a former prosecutor and judge, she should be well aware of what proper protocol should have been here.

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  • Wake The Hell Up, GOP!

    Wake The Hell Up, GOP!

    It's not cute anymore, Republicans. The President of the United States is completely detached from reality, and you can't fix that. You can't cover it up, you can't explain it away, and let me make this as clear as I possibly can for you. You cannot possibly undo the damage you are doing to the party brand by trying to pretend this man is anything other than completely unhinged. I'm watching Sean Hannity borrow guests from the Alex Jones show in an attempt to bolster Trump's conspiratorial claims. I'm seeing relatively mainstream conservatives make themselves look like the crazed fringes of the paranoid right wing. Don't believe me? Look at this.

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