We can't handle the truth.
Chris Kyle was a Navy SeAL and an American hero. He was known as America's deadliest sniper. His 150 plus kills landed him 2 Silver Starts and 5 Bronze Medals. His longest confirmed kill was a shot that traveled 2,100 yards to it's target, an insurgent holding a rocket launcher. Chris returned home to (reportedly, less I be sued by the former wrestler turned complete fruitcake) punch out Jim Janos who is better known as Jesse Ventura. If he hadn't already been a hero, he would have become one in my book at that time. He also wrote his autobiography which quickly became a bestseller, and spent a lot of his time trying to help troops who had returned from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with PTSD and other mental health issues. Yesterday, Chris Kyle was shot dead by one of those men.
Written by Steve Parry
on Sunday, 03 February 2013.
Hits 56806
Is President Obama too soft?
Finally, someone is lashing out at President Obama for his comments on football. The Boston Globe today lit into the President, calling his recent musings "passive" and accusing him of "punting the football." In short, Mr. President, football is a man's sport. There is no room for girls in this game, and sissy little side-step answers will not be tolerated. If you want to talk about retired ballerina's getting arthritis, then you can come with lame answers like you gave to the New Republic. But if you want to talk about football, you need to man up and sound off like you have a pair. Now I'm sure some of you dames out there want to lash out at me for such a sexist viewpoint, but we are talking about football after all, and girls don't matter in football so who cares what you think? Let's get to what Obama thinks.
on Thursday, 31 January 2013.
Hits 9061
Does a bear defecate in the woods?
Before you get all excited here, this is not another serving of my world class Haterade. Is the SEC the best conference in College Football? Perhaps. Yes, I said perhaps. Now if you're a fan of the SEC or you know one, you probably cringed when you read that preparing for the slew of insults that gets hurled at anyone who would dare argue otherwise. However, the point of this post is not to argue otherwise. It is to challenge the ridiculous notion propagated by SEC supporters that their conference is head and shoulders above the rest of college football. As their fans like to put it, the SEC is playing the NFL when everyone else is playing college football. But are they really that good?
on Saturday, 19 January 2013.
Hits 8629
Everywhere I look I'm surrounded by idiots.
This week I was bored at a truck stop and decided to try out Amazon's DVD rental feature. I hadn't seen the movie "Idiocracy" in some time, so I decided to give it a whirl. I rented the movie and watched the full thing. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Now being on truck stop WiFi, I did have the occasional buffering, but nothing serious. Perhaps 4 or 5 times throughout the course of the movie for 5 to 10 seconds. Thus, I was surprised when I got the following email from Amazon stating that they were refunding my purchase (they don't usually do that) due to poor video playback (as if the crappy WiFi is their fault). Idiots. I didn't ask for it, why give it? I wish for the sake of Amazon that the idiots on Idiocracy were the dumbest people I had observed all week. And I wish for the sake of Roger Goodell and the NFL that Amazon had sealed the deal. But we'll get to him after this email from Amazon.
on Sunday, 16 December 2012.
Hits 10217
And I, for one, am happy about it.
As a Conservative I am supposed to be outraged by a Federal Judge's ruling that the State of North Carolina cannot issue "Choose Life" license plates without offering a similar product for the opposing viewpoint, but I am not. Don't we have enough ways of annoying people without printing our point of view on a license plate? The tag was going to carry with it a 20 some odd dollar a year fee, but can't you print the same thing on a bumper sticker and put it near your tag for as long as you want at 1/4 the price? Either way, I'm glad that one more specialty tag will not be littering the landscape as I truck across the Country. Here's a clue, people. The best way to make someone hate your cause is to advertise it on your car. That's why I made the following bumper sticker for my store.
on Tuesday, 11 December 2012.
Hits 5704
Some rights we just can't seem to handle.
Day in and day out, we here in America seem to be working hard to prove that there are some freedoms that bring with them a higher level of responsibility than we are able to handle. Despite our best efforts, we seem to be unable to control our animal instinct, and nothing proves this better than the incident last week that left a promising young NFL talent and the mother of his child dead. How many people have to die before we wake up? How much blood must be shed before people step up and demand that we do the right thing and for once and for all amend our Constitution in such a way that crimes like this will be prevented. Can we say Jovan Belcher and Kasandra Perkins will be the last to die at the hands of our antiquated laws?
on Tuesday, 04 December 2012.
Hits 14563
It might not be as crazy as you think it is.
A friend of mine posted the video at the bottom of this article to her facebook page and I found it a bit surprising that we are locking special needs kids in rooms with padded walls in our public schools. It just doesn't sound right to me, and based on most reactions I'm guessing you probably agree. However, hearing the school's side of the story I don't think it is quite as bad as it seems. You can get both legitimate sides of the story here, or you can get my take on the issue in the video below. I found some of the things the mother being interviewed said to be a bit odd, so I figured it was time for another Stevil Rant.
on Sunday, 02 December 2012.
Hits 6164
Yes, it is worse than you think.
My fellow Conservatives often tend to complain that the left leaning media isn't telling the full story, and nowhere are their claims more amplified right now than in the Benghazi debacle in Libya. They point out that the media by and large ignored this story, and now they focus merely on the sex scandal surrounding David Petraeus. While I usually feel that these complaints are a bit overstated, this whole scenario in Libya has got me scratching my head, but not just because of the media coverage. I'm beginning to wonder if I am the only one that saw what just happened.
on Wednesday, 21 November 2012.
Hits 3774