A bad idea, by any other name.
If you think political talk radio is a brutal place, you should try sports talk radio. In the world of news talk, you have a biased hosed with a political agenda attempting to spin current events to make you see them his way. In the world of sports talk, you largely have a field of minds so jammed with statistics and dates that they are unable to form a point of view on anything other than a simple Vegas line, let alone manage to try to find a way to spin the event for the mindless masses who tune it. This can make listening to channels like Mad Dog Radio on Sirius and XM Radio an exercise in frustration. Yet it is an exercise that I perform almost daily, and occasionally I call in to try to straighten some of these guys out. My latest beef? The New York Knicks.
on Sunday, 05 May 2013.
Hits 16062
It's a fine line, and sometimes we forget about the Baboons.
One of the major drawbacks of being a blogger who has opinions that don't always fit the mainstream of either political party is that, after awhile, the party faithful tend to tune you out. Truth be told, I tend to get more responses from the left than from the right when I post my articles to facebook. On the issue of abortion, I am a guy who was once in the pro life political camp until my views evolved (politically, not personally) to pro choice. Yet I have long believed, ever since I knew there even was such an issue, that we should all be able to find some common ground on a child that has been born alive. That was, of course, before I knew about a State Senator from Illinois named Barack Obama and a doctor from Pennsylvania named Kermit Gosnell.
Written by Steve Parry
on Saturday, 27 April 2013.
Hits 43396
Have you ever thought about it, and hoped the global warming people were right?
Don't get all political on me here, as I am taking a break from it with this post. I don't care what you think about global warming, and I know that a single weather event has little to do with overall climate, but did Colorado not get the freaking memo? It's April, people. Yes, I got caught up in the winter storm. Oh, we are naming those too now? Okay, I found Waldo, and he's a son of a... well, you get the picture. I went up 25 to Pueblo, fueled at the Loves, then shot across 50 to head out to Grand Junction. As you can see from the images in the gallery below, perhaps not the best idea I have ever had.
Written by Steve Parry
on Thursday, 11 April 2013.
Hits 8025
Don't get mad at me if you tried it. I'm just the messenger.
As an over-the-road trucker, I spend a lot of time driving and listening to Sirius XM Satellite Radio. Sometimes this is a good thing. I listen to a heck of a lot of news and talk radio, so one could say I get informed and misinformed all in the same place. Every now and then, however, I hear a commercial that drives me completely insane. Back when I was still doing the show, I went on an annoyance campaign against Rosetta Stone over a dangling participle in their "learn to speak a foreign language" ads, and eventually the ad was changed. Do I get the credit? In my own mind, perhaps. Well, enter the latest ad to annoy me. Perhaps you have heard or seen this ad for a weight loss product called Banital.
Written by Steve Parry
on Thursday, 04 April 2013.
Hits 25951
Are you ready for some baseball?
Well, it is that time of year again. For some, it is an unbelievably long and drawn out process, but for true fans of the game it can't last long enough. The 2013 MLB Season kicked off on Sunday in Houston and most teams had their Regular Season Opener yesterday. How does your team stack up in their division? Obviously, if I were an expert I would be doing this in Vegas. Ironically, I am doing this from Vegas. But I am just passing through and not looking for gainful employment. For what it's worth, here is some perspective from a baseball fan who has waited far too long for opening day. I will break down both divisions and tell you where I think each team will finish. At the end of the year, we can come back and see how good or bad I am.
Written by Steve Parry
on Tuesday, 02 April 2013.
Hits 9435
If you think it is about equality, than you are sadly mistaken.
I want to start this off by saying that conceptually I am a guy who supports gay marriage. If you called my house for a polling agency and asked if I thought that people of the same sex should have the right to marry each other, I would answer in the affirmative. If you put it on the ballot in my State, however, I would vote against it. Both of these things are evolutions in my stance on gay marriage, but unlike President Obama, I can (and will, further down) explain the evolution of my stance. I'm not trying to get elected, and I don't care if you like me or not. I would not vote for gay marriage because I am sick and tired of the gay community lying to me and treating me as if I am stupid. There is no better evidence of this strategy than the latest "=" sign you see popping up on facebook.
Written by Steve Parry
on Saturday, 30 March 2013.
Hits 32971
Yes. It is a cult. And I joined.
Up until yesterday, I had never in my life had a Chick-Fil-A. Yes, I know. Shocking, right? No, I haven't been a part of some type of gay rights boycott... or girlcott for that matter. I just haven't ever gone to a Chick-Fil-A. I have had people tell me how good they are, and express shock that I have never had one. I have repeatedly made notes to myself that I need to stop by and have a sandwich, but it just hadn't happened until yesterday. I stopped at the Pilot in Russelville Arkansas and went to the shopping plaza across the street, and there it was. So I went in to see what I had been missing all of these years.
Written by Steve Parry
on Saturday, 30 March 2013.
Hits 8421
Joe Paterno is back in the news, and the case for his defense gets stronger.
With the release of the Paterno family report disputing the findings of the Freeh report, the questions surrounding the legacy of former head coach Joe Paterno has been reopened in the court of public opinion, and while a few people seem to be having their eyes opened, many protest the attention this is receiving. As a regular listener to Mad Dog Radio on Sirius XM radio, I hear many of the callers saying they are sick of the story, Joe will always be a bad guy, and they are tired of talking about it. Now I submit to you that I do understand why they feel this way, but I think that many of them have bought the rhetoric without an understanding of the facts. If you will allow me the opportunity to present only the facts from legitimate news sources and actual transcripts of the court testimony, then I believe you will see why the case against Paterno is weak at best and fraudulent at worst. Buckle up, because here we go.
on Thursday, 14 February 2013.
Hits 69086