Keeping it real... funny.
Every now and again you bump into someone who had a great idea and really capitalized on it, delivering a quality performance to cap it all off. Darnold Trump over on instagram is one such individual. I have no idea who they are, but they had an idea and they played their hand well. As we all know, Donald Trump says plenty of really dumb and really controversial things. What if someone kept track of these gaffes in a funny and informative way? Well, that's what Darnold has done here, and done very well. Every picture is complete with a cartoonish graphic of Trump, with nothing more than a giant mouth on his face. Each image is "checked in" at the location where Trump made the corresponding statement.
Written by Steve Parry
on Monday, 26 December 2016.
Hits 3780
Xmas Eve radio sucks.
Generally speaking, I go home for Christmas. That's the one day of the year you can count on me being home. In 20 years of driving a truck, I had only missed one Christmas at home, and that was due to getting stuck in bad weather. This year, however, I decided to stay out on the road and collect that nice bonus that my company offers for those drivers who are willing to shred their last ties to humanity and go full blown vagabond for the holidays. My hand was up, count me in. And that is how I came to the realization that there literally nothing on the 200+ channels on SiriusXM radio on Xmas Eve, so if you'll humor me I wanted to take a minute to complain about the one refuge I found in this entertainment desert.
Written by Steve Parry
on Monday, 26 December 2016.
Hits 2440
Or is it just you?
Many Trump supporters have been having fun with the overreaction of some on the left to Donald Trump's victory. It seems the operative term for these folks is "snowflake" and their home base of operation is a location known as a "safe space". And while some have clearly taken it a bit far, being observed in the fetal position crying, or rescheduling exams to allow time for healing, perhaps some on the right aren't taking it quite far enough by not trying to understand some of the concerns of others that might be legitimate. I think the best way to come to some common ground is to look at a single issue that might illustrate the points on both sides.
Written by Steve Parry
on Sunday, 25 December 2016.
Hits 2445
Carl Icahn named special adviser on reugulatory reform.
I know, I know... Give the guy a chance, right? He's not even in the office yet and here I am criticizing the guy already. Well, consider this my outreach program to Trump supporters. We need the guy to succeed, and there are some pretty troubling things going on with the President-elect. In fairness, I stayed silent on the Coffee with Ivanka fiasco, and I haven't spoken out on the Camouflage and Cufflinks event that his sons seem to be somehow involved in. To me, this is more or less average run-of-the-mill type of behavior that borders on corruption but doesn't clearly cross the line. And to be honest here, if you honestly thought Trump was going to drain the swamp, well... I'll let Gingrich explain that one to you.
Written by Steve Parry
on Thursday, 22 December 2016.
Hits 2035
To judge, or not to judge.
I don't want to come across as a hypocrite on this one, so let me start by tossing a couple of things out there for your consumption. First, I'm not setting myself up as some standard of decency. Trust me, when they come to me, I'm sure I will toss out some pretty good Bruce Jenner jokes. Humor is my thing, and I certainly don't find this topic to be off limits. Next, I am not a religious person. I don't mean to preach at you here. However, I was raised by a preacher, so I know a thing or two about the Bible and I had an interesting thought on the subject, so I thought that I would share it.
Written by Steve Parry
on Tuesday, 02 June 2015.
Hits 3562
If the gays get cake, it's over folks.
It's days like this when I almost want to go Stephen Colbert on an article and pretend to support something absolutely ridiculous and make an equally ridiculous extremist case for my alleged view. To be entirely frank, I could do it with both sides in this case. I am speaking, of course, of the Indiana law which, amongst other things, has brought back the unfortunate saying that historically never was "Let them eat cake". The gays, of course. Because people are trying to keep the gays from eating cake? Well, not exactly. Because the gays are trying to turn bakers gay? No, not that either. The problem? We have businesses that want to act like 6 year olds and unfortunately, the gays are 5 1/2.
on Thursday, 02 April 2015.
Hits 3954
More troubling attacks from the right.
It seems like Republicans have to spend more time defending themselves from misleading and unwarranted attacks from the right than they do from the left anymore. The latest attack in this troubling trend comes from Right Wing News (dot) Com, which posted a short commentary on the arrest of several pro life demonstrators, including Jill Stanek. The group was arrested earlier today (March 25th) and charged with charged with violating D.C. Code 22-1307. The story on RWN posted part of this story from Life Site News and included a link to the whole article, and included the following observations about the story.
Written by Steve Parry
on Thursday, 26 March 2015.
Hits 4806
Is Ted Cruz a Natural Born Citizen?
Let me start by making this perfectly clear. If you are a person who believes that President Obama is not a Natural Born United States Citizen, yet you are supporting Ted Cruz in his aspirations to become President, you are a fraud. I know, it's not nice to lay it out there like that, but I don't care about nice. I care about right and wrong, and the facts of the matter are what they are. To be clear, I am not a "Birther" but I do not believe that President Obama is a natural born United States citizen, nor do I believe that Ted Cruz is either. This is not a off handed, uneducated position either. I have read the thoughts of those who believe otherwise, but I disagree. My opinions are based in a Senate Resolution that we have that speaks to the matter in question.
Written by Steve Parry
on Tuesday, 24 March 2015.
Hits 3516